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P A S T  T R I P S

Kenya (2019)

 A dedicated team of 14 souls poured their lives out for the people of Kisumu, Kenya in March of 2019. The team installed over 50 clean water filter systems in 7 different prisons. They also provided free medical and optometry care to almost 800 people, creating memories that will last a lifetime. All in all, over 2200 people made decisions for Christ.  Thank you to Reverend Peter Ayuka for his continued commitment to those we served.  #pohKenya2019

Philippines (2018)

A team of 35 people collaborated to bring free medical care to prisoners, orphans, and people living in extreme poverty.  We worked with various local ministries and churches in various parts of Manila. This has been our most effective mission trip to date. Praise God. #pohManila2018


Uganda (2018)

Prisoner of Hope led a medical mission to Masaka, Uganda. A small team of 10 experienced the power of FAITH in action and witnessed miracles as we served orphans, prisoners, and people living in extreme poverty. #pohUganda2018

Vietnam (2017)

In February 2017, a team of over 40 people came together from 4 countries to give free medical and optometry care to people who desperately needed it. It was an awesome journey of faith. #pohVN2017

South Africa (2016)

A team of 27 people's lives were changed by the love we felt from the South African people. Our main focus was to provide 27 laptop computers to Drakenstein Prison.  This is the same prison that Nelson Mandela did his walk to freedom. Please watch the video. Hopefully you will get a glimpse of all God did though our team. 

South Africa (2015)

A small team from Prisoners of Hope decided to scout the land in Cape Town for a potential mission trip. Along the way, God opened doors of future opportunities. We partnered with the Message Trust and the MEP (Message Entrepreneur Program), which creates Urban Heroes out of EX-Gangsters. The phrase is "Stars Not Bars"

Philippines (2015) (2x)

Prisoners of Hope is Rock Church in San Diego, Ca. We are dedicated to bringing Pervasive Hope to every person on every street. In this case, every person in every prison cel. 27 people spent 2 weeks of blood, sweat, and tears to bring free medical, dental, optometry, and Spiritual care to 2 islands in the Philippines. Through our efforts, 647 people made a decision for Christ.

India (2014)

In 15 days, Our team had 13 airport stops in 8 different airports, 6 hotels, in 3 major cities. We visited 4 jails/prisons, 4 orphanages, a NGO school, held a widows feeding, pastors conference, and street evangelized to over 800 people. We celebrated over 400 salvations/re-dedications, distributed 75 discipleship curriculums to prisoners, gave over $6,000 in donations including a water cooler that will provide cold water to a school with over 100 students and a laptop to Pastor Victor, and prayed over hundreds of men, women and children. While we were there we received reports of healings, answered prayers and fulfilled prophecies. We experienced God's extraordinary favor as he opened doors that normally don't open to bring His message of hope! Prisoners of Hope Team India can definitely say "Mission Accomplished!"

Philippines (2014)

A Team of 14 people went on a 2-week mission trip to the Philippines. It was the most impactful trip I have been on to date. I could go on and on bragging about what God did, but here are the final numbers: 5000 People were reached through our ministry 1390 Decisions for Christ 500 Reported Healings, almost 1000 pairs of Sandals given away, 1000 toothbrushes and toothpaste, 500 bars of soap, 300 Various shampoo and conditioner, 72 nail clippers, 60 Reading Glasses, 50 pounds of candy , 1200 custom ballon animals and swords, and 100 faces painted.  All of these numbers do not do justice to the ives that were touched throughout this trip. I praise God for all that He did in an through us. 

Philippines (2013) (2x)

We were able to spend 2 weeks in the Philippines. We laughed, we cried, we argued, we ministered, but most of all we loved. These photos mare only a small glimpse of the miracles that took place. So blessed and honored that out of all the people in the world, God chose this team of 22 to be His hand and feet to 3rd world country. In doing so, we were the ones who were blessed. Thanks to everyone that helped make this dream a reality. 3664 people were a recipient to our ministry, almost 2000 pounds of supplies (clothes, shoes, medical supplies, diapers, sporting equipment, etc) was donated by the Rock Church. $10K USD was donated to various ministries, 6 jails/prisons were visited, Our Prisoners of Hope Discipleship Curriculum was introduced to 1700 inmates and 1064 people made decisions for Jesus Christ!

St. Lucia (2011)


Grand Cayman (2010)

This was our first official Prisoners of Hope trip...

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4300 Newton Ave Unit 2

San Diego, Ca 92113


        Tel: 619-871-1630



Prisoners of Hope is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity #81-3052033 All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects, and we may assess up to 10 percent to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.

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