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O U R  T E A M

Tim Neisler

Tim founded Prisoners of Hope in 2012 with the dream of creating a Global Outreach Organization that fulfills the Great Commission by serving prisoners, orphans, widows, and people who live in extreme poverty.  At first, the dream seemed Gigantic. However, God has led him by the hand throughout his journey and continues to open doors of opportunities. Tim is a passionate communicator and is a proponent for Truth and Justice. He was the Associate Campus Pastor of Outreach and Community Events at Rock Church in San Diego for many years. He is currently the Executive Director for Prisoners of Hope. Tim is married to the lovely Joelibeck and has two young boys, David and Joseph.

James Mylenek Jr.

James is one of our team leaders who has been involved with Prisoners of Hope since the beginning. He has a heart for men in prison and has a construction background.  During his free time on the mission field you can find him on a golf course. He is a husband and a father of 3 incredible children. 

Laura Hernandez-Andrews

Laura has a ton of experience in events and non-profits. Her connections in San Diego have allowed us to do events at prime locations around the City. She is a loving mother and a loyal friend. Her unique laugh can always be heard no matter what country we are in.  

Alex Cano

Alex has been a part of many great organizations such as Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Make-A-Wish. He is a gifted communicator and lover of people. His heart is to see men and women break the chains of incarceration. Alex is happily married to his dream girl, Rachel. 

Steven Kruckenberg

Steven is all about Humble Muscle. He is an aspiring Body Builder with a heart to use the gym to reach the lost. He serves in local and International prisons sharing his own story of brokenness to offer God's free gift of salvation to anyone who will listen. Through sound doctrine and authentic relationships, he serves Jesus with joy on his heart and a smile on his face. 

Deinno O'Keefe

Deinno lives One Epic Life! If he is not out fighting bad guys in Afghanistan, he is drinking coffee and making the world a better place to live. He is passionate about pointing people to Jesus. He is on a mission to see young people live life to the fullest. Deinno is single and hopes to eventually settle down and have children.

Joyce Fulton

Joyce is a Registered Nurse in San Diego. She is also a loving wife, a humble mother, and a joyful grandma. More than all of this, she is a servant of God. Her passion for missions is contagious. She is the force behind POH medical clinics and the liason to medical professionals.  

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4300 Newton Ave Unit 2

San Diego, Ca 92113


        Tel: 619-871-1630



Prisoners of Hope is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity #81-3052033 All contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects, and we may assess up to 10 percent to be used for administering the gift. Occasionally, we receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet a similar pressing need.

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